Summer Lee U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania's 12th district | Official U.S. House Headshot
Summer Lee U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania's 12th district | Official U.S. House Headshot
Rep. Summer Lee, who currently serves in the U.S. Congress representing Pennsylvania's 12th district, has recently shared her views on various topics through a series of tweets. These posts highlight her concerns and acknowledgments regarding community funding, union achievements, and political appointments.
On December 6, 2024, Rep. Summer Lee emphasized the importance of the Census in securing essential funding for community services. She stated: "People think of the Census as just a form—but it is vital to ensuring that our communities get the funding for hospitals, schools, health care, affordable housing, roads, bridges, and so much more." She further noted that an uncounted person results in fewer dollars for their community.
Later that day, at 21:37 UTC on December 6th, she congratulated Pittsburgh Public Radio on securing a significant labor contract. Her tweet read: "Big ups to @pghpublicradio for securing a groundbreaking first contract!! " She acknowledged Pittsburgh's strong union culture and praised their collective efforts.
On December 7th at 01:46 UTC, Rep. Lee expressed criticism toward former President Trump's cabinet choices via Twitter. She remarked: "Trump has filled his cabinet with the same billionaires who have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into our political system and drowned out the voices of working people." She voiced concern over these individuals' priorities not aligning with reducing consumer prices but rather increasing their own wealth.